I'm sure everyone will know about DragonBall Z but before DBZ came Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball: Origins 2 follows from it's predecessor taking on the next chapter in the story and for fans of the first game or Dragon Ball in general, this is a great thing.
Origins 2 picks up where the first game left off and continues through the next few sagas staying true to the TV show. Goku travels to the frozen north and fights the Red Ribbon Army before returning to meet up with Krillin, Yamcha, and Bulma. This game is created with the fans in mind and really if you have never watched the Dragon Ball series or read the Manga you might feel a bit lost, however this shouldn't put you off experiencing what is essentially a great and fun game.
Origins 2 picks up where the first game left off and continues through the next few sagas staying true to the TV show. Goku travels to the frozen north and fights the Red Ribbon Army before returning to meet up with Krillin, Yamcha, and Bulma. This game is created with the fans in mind and really if you have never watched the Dragon Ball series or read the Manga you might feel a bit lost, however this shouldn't put you off experiencing what is essentially a great and fun game.
Like i said before, this game is made with the fans in mind and keeps very true to the TV series basing each level loosely around an episode from the show, all the important plot elements are told through cut scenes. You play as Goku fighting through Humans, Animals, and even Dinosaurs before attempting a boss battle. The combat revolves mainly around Goku using either his fists or Power Pole, it is fluent and fast passed rewarding players who complete stages within certain time limits.
Combat is executed really well and provides satisfaction when you pull off any of the combos in the game, unlike other over head beat-em-up games the combat has some depth to it. Origins 2 is also quite difficult and to beat the game you will have to learn the combos and defensive moves rather than mindlessly button mashing your way through.
This however can feel repetitive at times which is why the tough boss battles that break up the action work so well. Each boss will use a different method and you will have to work out the best strategy to defeat him, allot of the time i was forced to use a defensive strategy due to the difficulty of the boss battles.
The game manages to keep feeling new and fresh because it let's players play as multiple characters such as Krillin, Yamcha, Bulma, and even Android 8. This will be fantastic for fans of the series who will enjoy playing as their favourite character and experience the new mechanics each possesses.
The controls are great in the game as well. At first i found myself using the D Pad for movement and combos but after a while i started to use the stylus which was much more accurate.

Dragon Ball: Origins 2 is no doubt a game made to please the fans, anyone who is not a fan won't really understand what is going on here but might still find a fun game worth playing through at least for it's colourful art and delightful characters.
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